the Way, the Truth, the Life 07 4725 2082

Higher Ability Learner Differentiation (HALD)

The vision of Annandale Christian College is to be a college that celebrates life and learning through Christ-centred Education.

We recognise that God has created all people with different skills and abilities, including high ability learners. To enable these students to achieve their God-given potential and to fully serve their communities, academic enrichment is key to providing them with opportunities to develop these abilities.

The breadth of abilities in students can be difficult to determine as it can be obvious, latent, or emergent (Landrum, 2006). To address this, cohort testing of Year 4 students will occur each year during Term 1, with parent permission, to allow for appropriate differentiation. New enrolments in Years 4 – 6 will also be invited to participate in testing subsequent to parent and teacher nomination.