the Way, the Truth, the Life 07 4725 2082

Pastoral Care

One of the distinctives of Christian schooling is the commitment, skill and availability of the staff to provide loving pastoral care for the students.

Each student at Annandale is viewed as a uniquely- created individual endowed with specific God-given gifts and abilities. The College takes seriously its responsibility to identify, nurture and develop each student's talents. To do this successfully students need to know that they are loved, supported and respected and also to have the opportunity to offer that same love, support and respect to their peers and staff.

The whole College community – leadership, teachers, parents and students - are encouraged to work together in meeting the pastoral care needs of students. During school hours, the major provider of pastoral care for Primary school students is their own class teacher, and Secondary students have daily year-level Care Classes with designated Care teachers. We also have two wonderful College Chaplains who are available for students across the year levels. In fact, within our Annandale community, all students may call on any staff member for guidance or help.

An important part of the Christian life is our behaviour towards others. At Annandale Christian College we expect respect in all inter-personal relationships. We are not a perfect school, and students do not always behave appropriately. For such circumstances the school has carefully thought through a system to bring guidance and appropriate correction where needed. If misbehaviours go beyond minor events, the school readily contacts parents so that a co-ordinated approach to solve the matter can be undertaken. Our goal is to celebrate growth and, through times of difficulty, students are encouraged to learn from their mistakes, take appropriate steps to restore broken relationships and persevere in their commitment to build Christian character.