the Way, the Truth, the Life 07 4725 2082

Principal's Welcome

A word from our Principal, Mr Andrew Jones.

As you should expect with any College which has been in operation for over 30 years, the learning program offered to students provides academic rigour and structured implementation of curriculum to lead students in their learning journey from Kindergarten through to Year 12.  The consistently high achievement of students in national benchmarking and final rankings demonstrates the strength of the College’s academic program.

As a Christian College who understands the redemptive work of Jesus' death and resurrection, we aim to build into the fabric of our College the outworking of God’s ‘Good News’.  Students are taught to see the world through God’s eyes and to develop a worldview which is consistent with the Biblical narrative.   We equip students to engage meaningfully in their society, to critique the things in this world which do not reflect God’s justice and to offer transformation toward a better world which reflects God’s Kingdom.

We believe that ultimately God has given the responsibility of raising children to parents.  Our College arose out of the desire for parents to be faithful to this immense challenge and to come together and create a community which can support, educate, grow and inspire students in a way which is complimentary to the Christian faith. 

As I learn more about the College I am impressed with the deep desire of staff to help nurture and challenge the whole child.  The conversations which I have heard between staff centre on challenging high achievers as well as those who struggle and ensuring the social, emotional and spiritual needs of children are met in meaningful authentic ways.

As you look through our web pages, I hope you get a sense of our supportive community of passionate professionals who can assist you educate your children and equip them to take their place in this world.

Mr Andrew Jones
